A day has 24 hours and 1440 minutes and

86400 seconds. So, can you tell for how many

minutes or seconds you had stayed in present

today? Okay, can you even say with guarantee

that you lived most moments of your day,

today? The very answer ‘no’ is perhaps the

beginning for you to start living in the present.

This is because you at least are aware of it

and it is this awareness that is required for

staying in present.

The fact is that most of the time, we either

think about the past or worry about the future.

We simply do not see what the present

moment has for us because our focus on it

gets lost by dwelling in past or future. While

having food, we think of a business deal or

exam coming up in some days. Similarly, while

driving, most of us think on ‘why that

happened’. This is perhaps the main reason

why we are unhappy and restless. Then, why

we still continue to be in past or in future?

How do we come out of it?