With empathy, the ability to recognize and feel

other people’s emotions, comes the

disadvantage of also absorbing the suffering

and negativity of the others around you. When

this occurs, your ability to function at your

best can be significantly impacted. Even a

person who is not so empathic can be affected

energetically when around negative or dramatic


Absorbing other people’s negative energy can

be just as toxic on a person as ingesting

unhealthy food, and perhaps even more

noticeably draining. Thus, learning how to

stop this from happening can be a valuable

skill. Here are five methods that you can use

so you absorb less negative energy from

others around you.

1) Be Selective About the People You Allow

into Your Life

You have to come to terms that not everyone

will like you, and you don’t have to become

friends with everyone that you meet. You do

not need to pressure yourself into befriending

everyone you meet, either at work, though

existing friends, or via your kids. Of course

you want to be polite, but trust your intuition

when meeting new people and don’t ever feel

like you need to spend time with people just

because you’ve come to know them by


Furthermore, if

you find yourself

often needing to

vent about a

person, have a

friend that is


negative about

life, or feel like

someone in your life is regularly taking

advantage of you or is unkind to you, then

perhaps it is time to create some distance.

Some friendships or relationships are just not

good for you, and you have to be able to

accept that. Once you do, you can let go of

the friends and acquaintances who dump their

negativity on you.

Learning to let go and saying “no” to people

who do not deserve your time and attention

allows you more time for the ones that do,

including your family and YOURSELF.

2) Don’t Try Please Everyone

We all have only so many hours in one day, so

be selective about who receives your time.

Don’t waste it on people who don’t seem to

care about you, give you a hard time, or are

overly critical of you. Just as you won’t like

certain individuals, there will be some that

don’t like you or do not treat you kindly.

Focus on developing relationships that seem

to thrive naturally, versus working on getting

people to like you who naturally don’t

gravitate to you. The latter will not only leave

you drained, they will probably affect how you

perceive yourself.

3) Beware of Energy Vampires

As already mentioned, you may have existing

friends that are always negative about life, but

consider that some people are can be even

more toxic. These types could be dubbed

energy vampires because they suck you dry of

all positive energy and leave you with all their

negativity. That is what keeps them going.

Beware of energy vampires who always use

negative words and dump negative emotions

onto you. Notice which “friends” use

pessimistic language or treat you like a

soundboard for their negative feelings. You

are likely absorbing all of their negativity

every time you see them.

This doesn’t mean stop being there for a

friend in need, but pay attention to the ones

that take advantage of a kind ear or are

inclined to always use negative language. Let

them know how you feel about all the

pessimism. If these “friends” don’t understand

that they are draining you, then perhaps they

are not really your friends.

4) Be Responsible for Yourself

You are the only

person that has

control over how

you feel. In any

situation, you

have the choice

of how you react

and what you do.

Some say it

takes years of training to control your feelings,

but it all starts with awareness, which you can

practice right now.

Taking responsibility for yourself means that

you have to start becoming aware of how you

feel when certain people are around you. And

then are not afraid to take action. If you

spend time with someone who makes you feel

bad or leaves you drained, it is time to create

some distance between you and that person.

Don’t be a victim, because you have the power

of how you experience life. You will absorb

more goodness and less negativity if you

really reflect on how people, places and

situations make you feel, and then take action

to change what does not serve you.

5) Spend Time Alone

For some reason the Western society has

come to denigrate personal characteristics

such as introversion, shyness, timidity, etc.

However, time alone, and the personal

discovery that happens during this time, can

be quite healing and regenerating.

For some, solitude is quite difficult as it is a

time when a person starts to really look at

what’s happening with their own self. Yet it is

necessary if you are to cultivate the awareness

you need to identify when you absorb negative

energy and who in your life is an energy


Remember simple tools such as breathing

slowly, quiet meditation, reading a good book ,

and spending time in nature. They are all

available to you so you can enjoy solitude.

Use these tools when you are ready to take

action to rid yourself of unwanted energetic

toxicity and reinforce yourself for yet another
